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What Does a Presurgical Evaluation Include?

What Does a Presurgical Evaluation Include?

Surgery of any kind can leave you feeling a bit anxious. Taking steps to prepare for your surgery is one way to ease some of your nervousness. 

The presurgical evaluation is one of those exams that can help you get ready for your surgery. 

At East Side Primary Medical Care, we specialize in providing comprehensive care for those living in and around the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Our primary care physician, Dr. Daniel Klein, provides presurgical evaluations. This exam isn't the same as your preoperative visit with your surgeon.

Here, we want to tell you about the presurgical evaluation and what it includes.

About the presurgical evaluation

Despite what you might think, the presurgical evaluation isn’t an exam that gives you the okay to go ahead with surgery. While it’s possible we may recommend delaying your surgery after a presurgical evaluation, the purpose of this exam is to reduce your risk of complications during and after your procedure.

You should schedule your presurgical evaluation within a month of your surgery. Having this exam within weeks of your surgery allows time for further testing or treatments that can improve your surgical outcomes. 

Though your risk of complications depends on the type of procedure you’re having, all procedures carry some amount of risk. Our presurgical evaluation aims to minimize these risks.

What to expect

So, what does a presurgical evaluation include? Well, that depends on your overall health, medical history, and the type of surgery you’re having. However, you can expect a comprehensive history and physical exam, similar to what you’d expect during your annual physical. 

During your presurgical evaluation, we:

Depending on your medical history, we may include additional tests during your preop evaluation, such as an electrocardiogram (EKG) to check heart health or a pulmonary function test (PFT) to assess lung health.

What happens afterward

Once we have all the information we need for your presurgical evaluation, we talk to you about what you can do now to improve what happens during and after surgery. 

For example, we may recommend diet modifications to boost your nutritional health. Good nutrition before and after surgery supports healing and reduces risk of infection and other complications. 

If we find anything of concern during your evaluation, we may make a referral to a specialist, such as a cardiologist to provide additional guidance for heart health and monitoring during your surgery. 

Our presurgical evaluation isn’t about clearing you for surgery, but making sure your surgery goes as smoothly as possible.

Your preop evaluation is an important part of your surgical preparation. Let us help you get the care you need so you get the best outcomes. Call our office or book online today.

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