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These Simple Diet Changes Could Boost Your Energy

These Simple Diet Changes Could Boost Your Energy

It’s a busy time of year filled with a lot of festivities. But all the running around drains your energy, and you may find it hard to keep going.

Rest is good, but making a few simple changes to your diet can help you recharge too. 

At East Side Primary Medical Care on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, our compassionate primary care physician, Dr. Daniel Klein, takes a preventive and proactive approach to health care. He knows the importance of balanced nutrition for health, wellness, and energy.

Here, we want to share with you some simple changes you can make to your diet to boost your energy.

Maintain a regular eating schedule

Food is fuel. If you find yourself feeling a little run down in the middle afternoon, think back to the last time you ate. Eating at regular intervals ensures your body gets the fuel it needs. 

We recommend eating a meal or snack every three to four hours to keep energy levels up. If you’re a frequent meal skipper, getting on a regular eating schedule may take some time and effort. But providing your body with a steady and expected source of energy can make you feel so much better and a lot more alert. 

Create balanced meals

Glucose is your body’s preferred source of energy, and it comes from carbohydrate-containing foods like bread, fruit, and yogurt. But protein in meat and beans and fat from oils and nuts have their role in boosting energy too. 

Creating balanced meals that include foods from many food groups is a great way to ensure your body gets the necessary carbs, protein, and fat needed for energy. 

Examples of balanced meals include:


Choose mostly whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products to get the most nutrition out of your meals. 

Limit sugary foods

When you’re feeling a little low on energy, you may turn to an energy drink or a can of caffeinated soda to for a quick pick-me-up. While these sugary drinks may give you the instant boost you’re seeking, you may crash hard an hour later. Candy bars, cookies, and chips tend to have the same effect, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar, followed by a quick drop.

Instead, consider an unsweetened low-fat latte or a cup of tea and a yogurt. These snacks provide the carbs your body needs for energy. But adding a little protein or fat slows down digestion, preventing the highs and lows in energy. 

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is an energy zapper. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired. Drinking water throughout the day is the best way to stay well-hydrated. If you’re thirsty, it’s time to drink. 

Fluid needs vary, and we can provide guidance on how much you should drink daily during your annual physical exam.

If you’re struggling with fatigue and your diet changes aren’t helping, give our office a call today at 680-206-2794 or book an appointment with your primary care provider online. Your exhaustion may be due to an underlying health condition, stress, or poor sleep habits. We can help uncover the cause of your energy drain.

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